The shortcoming of not making decorative art I

The shortcoming of not making decorative art I

Media: Photoprint Multiple
Dimensions: 30 x 20 cm (H x W x D)

Das Manko keine dekorative Kunst zu machen I

The shortcoming of not making decorative art I

Well encased in their there and now. The species binds itself in its self-tangle of dehumanized perfection. In a neomoral abrogation of corporeality, fallibility and uniqueness. The retort of infinite reproducibility of uniformity. Mass as an indicator of quality is the bare norm form. This ad absurdum, which puts art in a reserve on a lonely island, is pointed out by Bögle in a cheeky and refreshing way. Like the sleeve of a white vest framed in white, the picture, which fits into the unobjectionable fashion of hypocritical visibility – with humble restraint – looked like nothing on nothing. Then a black blob of disorder that works far beyond its reserve.
Klaus Oberrauner, culture journalist, Vienna, 2023

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