Movement: East German Art

Angela Hampel is a contemporary artist from East Germany, with a career spanning over 38 years. Known for her expressive work, she has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions around the world, including prestigious shows at the Biennale di Venezia and Bienal de Sao Paulo. With her art…
Discover the vibrant and expressive world of A. R. Penck, a post-war artist associated with Neo Expressionism and the Junge Wilde movement. Born in Dresden, Germany in 1939, Penck has had over 170 solo exhibitions and 936 group shows worldwide. His art can be found in 69 museum collections, including…
Discover the post-war artist Max Uhlig, known for his association with East German art. With over 50 solo shows and 220 group shows in the last 59 years, Uhlig has made a significant impact in the art world. Exhibited in multiple countries and featured in biennials and art fairs, Uhlig’s…
Discover the compelling work of post-war East German artist Wolfgang Mattheuer, whose captivating pieces have been showcased in over 200 exhibitions worldwide. Ranked among the Top 10,000 globally, Mattheuer’s career has seen a steady rise in recognition, with notable shows at prestigious institutions like MoMA and MUMOK. With art in…
Discover the post-war East German artist, Willi Sitte, whose powerful and innovative works have been exhibited in Germany, Switzerland, Latvia, and beyond. With over 20 solo shows, 72 group shows, and appearances at prestigious events like Documenta and the Venice Biennale, Sitte’s influence in the art world is undeniable. Ranked…



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