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Movement: Geometric Abstraction

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Discover the contemporary artist Brian Clarke, known for his diverse range of art styles including Abstract Painting, Constructivism, and Pop Art. With over 42 years of exhibitions around the world, Clarke has showcased his works in prestigious galleries and art fairs alongside renowned artists like Jim Dine and Francis Bacon….
Discover the vibrant world of post-war artist Tony DeLap, known for his mesmerizing Op-Art and Geometric Abstraction creations. With over 59 years of artistic journey, DeLap has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, including prestigious institutions like MoMA and the Whitney Museum. His art can be found in…
Discover the contemporary Austrian artist Barbara Höller, known for her work in Constructivism, Minimalism, and Geometric Abstraction. With over 30 years of exhibitions in Austria, Germany, and beyond, Höller has established herself as a prominent figure in the art world. Her artworks can be found in museum collections and have…
Discover the post-war artist Gordon Walters, known for his Geometric Abstraction works. With a career spanning over 50 years, Walters has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in New Zealand, Australia, and beyond. His art can be found in museum collections and he has been exhibited alongside esteemed artists like…
Get to know Maks Dannecker, a prominent ultra-contemporary artist known for her Geometric Abstraction, Concrete art, and Minimalism. With a career spanning over 17 years, Dannecker has had numerous solo and group exhibitions across Germany, the United States, and Greece. Her works are featured in museum collections and she has…
Discover the diverse and influential works of post-war artist Diet Sayler, known for his contributions to Geometric Abstraction, Conceptual Art, and Concrete art. With over 55 years of exhibitions and numerous solo shows worldwide, Sayler has garnered international recognition and has artwork displayed in prestigious museum collections. Ranked among the…
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