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Movement: Pointillism

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Discover the contemporary artist Brian Clarke, known for his diverse range of art styles including Abstract Painting, Constructivism, and Pop Art. With over 42 years of exhibitions around the world, Clarke has showcased his works in prestigious galleries and art fairs alongside renowned artists like Jim Dine and Francis Bacon….
Discover the incredible journey of Camille Pissarro, a renowned French impressionist and post-impressionist artist associated with Impressionism and Pointillism. With over 38 solo shows and 398 group shows worldwide, Pissarro’s work has been exhibited alongside master artists like Monet and Renoir. His art is featured in 94 museum collections, including…
Discover the world of Paul Signac, a prominent French artist known for his contributions to the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist movements, particularly in Pointillism. With over 22 solo shows, 202 group exhibitions, and participation in prestigious art fairs and biennials, Signac’s impact on the art world is undeniable. His work can…



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