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Type: Painting

Discover the contemporary British artist Philip Absolon, known for his association with Stuckism. With a focus on punk Victorian themes, Absolon has been featured in various exhibitions in the United Kingdom, showcasing his unique style and perspective. From The Stuckists Punk Victorian at Walker Art Gallery to more recent shows…
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Discover the contemporary artist Mandy McCartin, known for her association with Stuckism and her unique British style. With a career spanning nearly two decades, McCartin has been featured in prestigious exhibitions like The Real Turner Prize Show and The Stuckists Punk Victorian. Ranked among the Top 1,000,000 globally and the…
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Discover the post-war artistry of British male artist Jonathon Coudrille, a prominent figure in the Stuckism movement. With exhibitions spanning from Liverpool to London, Coudrille’s work has captivated audiences for over a decade. Ranked among the top artists globally and in the UK, his popularity has surged in recent years….
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Discover the timeless artistry of Italian master Giovanni Lanfranco, with exhibitions spanning from Italy to Switzerland and beyond. From his first verified exhibition in 2010 to the recent showcase in Monopoly, Lanfranco’s work has captivated audiences worldwide. With collaborations alongside renowned artists such as Rubens and Ribera, Lanfranco’s pieces can…
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