From Pipe Piece to Piece of Art
Winner 1. Arni Pichler
Österreichischer Arbeitskreis Kunststoffrohr Recycling ÖAKR celebrates its 20th anniversary this year! A perfect occasion for presenting the closed loop of plastic pipe use und reuse in an out-of-the ordinary fashion. The art contest „Kunststoffrohr Recycling einmal anders – vom Rohrstück zum Kunststück“ approaches plastic pipe recycling from a different perspective and turns „pipe pieces into pieces of art.
The participating Austrian artists Manfred Kielnhofer, Witold J. Pawlik, Arni Pichler, Christopher Rhomberg and Herbert Schmid were invited to Reststofftechnik, a partner of the ÖAKR System, to trash-pick discarded water supply, sewer, drainage, gas, heat and sanitary pipes.
We are all curious to see what interesting works of art will emerge until 5th April, the day oft he anniversary celebrations, and who the audience at the Convention Centre of Schönbrunn Castle will choose as the winner. ÖAKR is a collective system comprising the companies Agru, Dietzel Univolt, Egeplast, Geberit, Ke Kelit, Kontinentale, Glynwed, Martoni, Pipelife, Poloplast, Rehau and Uponor.