Kyiv is a city with a layering of dozens of architectural styles from different time periods. From Kievan Rus to the present day. The architecture of Kyiv has been shaped over a millennium through the gradual layering of various architectural styles: Ukrainian baroque, historical style, neo-gothic, constructivism, Soviet monumental neoclassicism and neomodernism. I walked along the streets of Podil and took a few photos of the tower and other exciting details. There are a lot of amazing and beautiful things in Kyiv, I will draw your attention to a few copies. Ukrainian baroque as an architectural style developed as a result of a combination of local traditions and European baroque with simplification of forms and rationalization of space. This style was also called “Cossack” or “Mazepa” baroque in honour of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, a well-known philanthropist. The Western European influence on the architecture of Kyiv increased after the arrival of the architect Johann Gottfried Schedel in the capital. After the war, I think another style combination will come to restore the destroyed beauty and the introduction of new objects. Since the end of the 19th century, Kyiv has been gripped by a “construction fever”. The monumentality of buildings was replaced by the simplicity of a rapidly growing individual manor building. Multi-storey apartment buildings were actively erected along the perimeter of the central quarters of Kyiv, old streets were built up and new districts were built – academic quarters in the Lipok district. In addition to residential buildings, factories, factories, public and commercial buildings, theatres were built.