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I Have A Dream That One Day I Will Not Be Jugged By the Color of My Juggs

I Have A Dream That One Day I Will Not Be Jugged By the Color of My Juggs

Media: Pastel on paper
Dimensions: 60 x 42 cm (H x W x D)

Part of the WTMS (White Toxic Male Superiority) series. Archie’s friend Jughead Jones, having always been an avant-guarde, outsider, artist-type, and a prime example of how incredibly dorky hipsters usually are, … has been thrown into the art-blender here with red pastel and a quote from that famous trans-sexual medical doctor, Dr. Martin Luther Queen … I certainly agree with the good doctor that, in Art as in Real Life … it’s NOT about COLOR it’s all about CONTENT … the rest is irrelevant bullshit … Also inspired by a conversation with a group of 18 year old woke, social justice warriors, who had never heard of that other famous Doctor of Theology, Dr. Martin Luther King, and who thought that because I, a toxic, privileged, white male was praising him as a great and important human being, that MLK must have been White, which was just further proof of their own racist/sexist mind set … AND … of course any image of the Jug is automatically a homage to billions of hamburgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches of all possible and impossible forms, shapes, combinations, and genders. Yummy.

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