Look how I move 3 / Sieh wie ich mich bewege 3

Look how I move 3 / Sieh wie ich mich bewege 3

Media: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 30 x 40 x 3 cm (H x W x D)

Kristine Narvida is an academic visual artist born in 1977. She graduated in 2006 as a Magister at the Latvian Art Academy in Riga. She lives and works in Germany in Berlin and Potsdam and is mother of four daughters. She is an active member of the Brandenburg Association of Artists. She presents and sells her fine artwork throughout Europe and globally with online galleries. Kristine prefers working with oil on linen, using models as her subjects. You can find her new artwork series in Germany at the Labo 6/2 Gallery in Berlin at the Futur eins Gallery in Potsdam, at the XIV Florence Biennale from 14 – 22 October 2023 and on upcoming exhibitions:

Until 22 September 2023 group exhibition at the Kosmos space of the Rechenzentrum – RZ Potsdam, Dortustr. 46., 14467 Potsdam, Germany

Closing event on 22 September from 17:00 Uhr-20:00

Opening hours: Thu – Sa 13:00 – 17:00

Vernissage: Un/endlich und acht

9 and 10 September in Altenburg, Germany at the biennial fair for young art 2023 “No Selection” at the historical train station, Wettiner Str. 15, 04600 Altenburg. On Saturday 9 September from 14:00 – 20:00 hrs and on Sunday from 10:00 – 17:00 hrs. Kristine Narvida is the art award winner of the last fair for young art in 2021


15 – 17 September at the „Art Kreuzberg Festival 2023“ in Berlin, group exhibition and performance at the „Autohaus Prinzessinnenstraße“ Prinzesinnenstr. 21-24, Berlin-Kreuzberg. Opening and party on Friday 15 September at 19:00 hrs. Open on Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 – open end.

Autohaus Prinzessinnenstraße

19 October – 5 November at the „Art A10 2023“ exhibition at the A10 Center in Wildau (near Berlin), Chausseestraße 1. Opening and Brandenburg Art Prize award ceremony on Sunday, 22 October at 11:30 hrs. Open Mo – Sa from 10:00 -20:00 hrs. Kristine Narvida is the award holder of the last Art A10 in 2022.


1 November 2023 – 15 March 2024 at the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Energy of the federal state Brandenburg, Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107, House 2, 14473 Potsdam with the group exhibition „environment in Ecology Discourse: Renewable Energies“.


Through the understanding of time, the acceleration of which we can physically feel, through the vis-à-vis of a living human model, a pause is created, a place is created for the emergence of the present. Every line and every brushstroke is concrete, just like every meeting with this person, a dream, a thought. A technical work with a thought makes it possible to see how the ideal becomes material. I observe the movement, participate in it, and this process is what gives honour and meaning, joy and suffering.

Kristine Narvida

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