Part of the WTMS (White Toxic Male Superiority) series. Another very clever feminist invention; “The Male Gaze” … of course ALL MEN look at the world and women EXACTLY THE SAME … regardless if they are hetero, homo, bi, or trans, big or small, weak or strong, smart or dumb, Italian or Irish, Greek or Finnish, Black or White, Jewish or Christian, African or Japanese, etc. …. Women of course are highly diversified in their “Gaze”, but ALL MEN are just simple-minded perpetrators of a singular, nightmarish “Male Gaze” (and, according to Black activists, the same holds true for ALL White people with their “White Gaze”)… and according to that wonderful feminist Marylin French, All Men Are Rapists And That Is All They Are, … (but that is another drawing) … if I put forth the proposition that “All Women Are Whores And That Is All They Are” would I sell 20 million books and be seen as a Gender Studies Hero? hmmmm … methinks not.