non-organic food, 2018-2023
Procedure Art, series of stickers and instructions, 5 digital files, 105 × 148.5 mm (A6) each, unlimited edition
Let’s subvert the ruling status of non-organic farming! Let’s label every non-organic food!
1. You can send the A6 digital picture file along the cutting shape to a printing service. The cutting shape instructs the printer where to incise the stickers to be readily peeled and placed. The stickers on violet or fuchsia background are advised for pre-cut stickers. Alternatively, you can print the stickers your own and patiently trim them.
2. Go label all non-organic food.
«The “organic” term related to farming or agriculture should not exist, and we should define and term the non-organic agriculture instead. So there would be: first, the natural agriculture without artificial substances, simply termed agriculture, and then a post-industrial, chemical, altered and artificial agriculture, termed non-organic agriculture. So these stickers serve to subvert the actual ghettoisation of natural farming and the actual order where chemical farming is a ruling standard, a “normality”. The usual green colour recalling “organic”, for the non-organic it has been turned in the complementary magenta, which may be psychologically connected with something mysterious, weird, ill or dangerous.»