This is the most recent work of an ongoing large format oil painting series. Through a color-field abstraction operation, the pictoric image is constructed by subtracting all of the textual information present in the cover of a 1967 homonymous pamphlet published by the Foreign Languages Press, an editorial imprint with an international reach established in Beijing in 1952 and controlled by China International Publishing Group, a publishing organization overseen in turn by the Communist Party of China. Its content is considered central to the conformation of the Maoist canon, mostly reflecting on universality, identity and struggle.
Reminiscent to visual strategies explored by the artist in past projects, this painting series aims to reflect on the material traces of certain ideological constructs, questioning the current relevance of the ideas contained in propaganda materials by underscoring the fluctuation and symbolic attrition processes to which the original material has been exposed.
8,800.00$ VAT Included
9,800.00$ VAT Included