In order to make visible the problem of social responsibility, on the outer surface of the oil reservoir from the 1960.-ies that served to the factory of refrigerators, OBOD, in Cetinje, I have written an equation. Elements of that equation are the international operating economical term of LLC, SRL, GmbH, DOO – understood as Society of Limited Responsibility, its poetic transformation into its opposite – the Society of Unlimited responsibility and the result of the equation.
If we confront the term of a limited liability company to a possible society of unlimited responsibility and if we observe them together as elements of the same equation, to then mathematically differentiate the same elements, what we get as a result is a negation, ie. word No. But this result is not a negation that denotes refusal, cancellation, or annulation of something.
Since the result No is derived from the element that speaks of unlimited responsibility, we thus deal with the positive character of this negation result, the conversion of denial in confirmation, the transformation of the limitation of liability into its limitlessness. To make this equation possible, I opened the firm d.o.o. whose name was D. Ne O. O. and after the realization of the equation, I closed the firm, in order to highlight the need to become aware of facts and words that by the power of habits and capitalism are today barely visible and significant. This process serves to warn of the risk of blind acceptance of laws, stereotypes and habits, what relates to the venue choosed for its application: the oil reservoir is surrounded with a hexagonal wall that was built as a proof of responsibility for protection of the city if in case of accident the oil would be poured out.